Find Digital Eye Strain Relief in Aurora

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Find Comfortable Vision While Using Any Device

We rely on our digital devices for practically everything. Whether you are cranking out the latest essay for school, binging your favourite show, or connecting with friends and family, there is no denying that digital devices make life a whole lot easier.

However, using these devices for long periods can strain your eyes, making it difficult to use them when you need them most.

If you are struggling with digital eye strain, please book an appointment with our team today and we can help find the strategies you need to keep your eyes comfortable!

Digit-EYES: What is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital eye strain is a common eye condition that occurs when you are focusing on an up-close digital device for an extended period. Focusing can cause your eyes to blink less, preventing your eyes from getting nutrients it needs to stay comfortable.

However, eye strain is not exclusive to using digital devices; focusing on any up-close task for some time can lead to eye strain.

Some common symptoms of eye strain include:

  • Redness
  • Headaches
  • Wateriness
  • Irritation
  • Dry Eye
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Blurry vision

Blue Light & Eye Strain: Are They Connected?

Many experts believed for a while that digital eye strain could be connected to the amount of blue light your eyes take in when using digital devices. However, blue light has more of a connection with sleep deprivation than digital eye strain.

The largest producer of the blue light we take in is the sun, not digital devices. As a result, your brain associates blue light with being awake and productive. Some studies have shown that people who use their digital device for a long time before going to bed find it harder to fall asleep. The blue light the device is emitting signals the brain to be more active.

Please speak to your optometrist to see if blue light lenses are right for you!

Managing Digital Eye Strain

There are a variety of ways you can manage digital eye strain from home. However, make sure you speak to your optometrist before using them. They can recommend the right strategy to help you get back using your devices comfortably.

Some common strategies include:

The 20/20/20 Rule is an easy way to give your eyes a break if you start to experience eye strain.

Every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds looking at an object about 20 feet away from you. This allows your eyes time to find some comfort before you get back to work.

Eye drops can help alleviate symptoms of eye strain by providing some hydration to your eye surface. However, please speak to your optometrist before you start using eye drops to help ensure you are getting the appropriate relief for your eyes.

Digital eye strain can even occur due to the way you sit at your desk. However, you can help mitigate its effect by:

  • Adjusting your monitor distance and brightness. Keep your monitors an arm’s length away and lowered just under your natural line of sight.
  • Adjusting your brightness and contrast to match your surroundings.
  • Minimizing the amount of glare reflected on your screen by positioning yourself so light is not reflecting off your screen and into your eyes.
  • Adjusting object sizes on your screen to stop yourself from squinting.

Find Relief Today!

Digital eye strain is annoying and uncomfortable. Get the help you deserve and book your appointment today!

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Our Locations


Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only

Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only


You can find us in the optometrist office under ProVision, right next to Bulk Barn and Shoppers Drug Mart. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our office, which includes the public parking lot in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart.

Contact Information

Phone: 705-719-1670
Fax: 705-719-1672

Our Address

649 Yonge St.
Barrie, ON L4N 4E7

Hours of Operation

10 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM

You can find us in the optometrist office under ProVision, right next to Bulk Barn and Shoppers Drug Mart. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our office, which includes the public parking lot in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart.

Contact Information

Phone: 705-719-1670
Fax: 705-719-1672

Our Address

649 Yonge St.
Barrie, ON L4N 4E7

Hours of Operation

10 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM

Our Services

If you are interested in clear vision but you’re not interested in wearing the frames, contact lenses may be right for you! We can help you find the perfect contacts and the perfect fit, so you are always seeing clearly and comfortably.

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

Glaucoma is one of the most common eye diseases in the world and has the ability to develop over years without showing any symptoms. Using the latest technology, we can help detect and manage your glaucoma before it has the chance to damage your vision!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

The risk of developing age-related macular degeneration increases as we age. Luckily, managing your symptoms is possible. All you have to do is book an appointment and we’ll guide you from there!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Laser eye surgery is one of the most popular options for vision correction around the world. We can assess your eyes to see if laser surgery is right for you and, if it is, determine which type of laser surgery will be the most successful.

Laser Eye Surgery Consultations
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