Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Aurora

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Eye Care You Deserve

At Aurora 2020, not only do we dedicate ourselves to providing you with eye care of the highest possible quality, we also take the time to educate you on important aspects of your eye health.

We will walk you through our process and answer any questions or concerns you may have, so you can rest assured that you are capably in control of your eye and vision health.

Start your eye care journey today by booking your appointment!

Why Are Eye Exams Important?

It’s not uncommon to hear about patients going years between eye exams. While the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recommends having an eye exam every 2 – 3 years, most optometrists agree that annual eye exams can best protect your vision and safeguard you from developing eye diseases.

Eye diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, take time to develop and often the people affected show no symptoms. However, your optometrist can spot these issues with simple, comprehensive eye exams.

Not only will your optometrist be able to identify problems, they can also help create a management or treatment plan to possibly mitigate the effects of disease and keep your vision crisp and clear.

The Eye Exam Journey

The eye exam often starts with a very quick conversation about your health and your family’s health history. We will also help address any questions or concerns you may have. Please ask as many questions as you would like; the more information we can get about your eye health, the better we can tailor the exam to best suit your specific needs.

Once we have ensured your medical history is accurate and up to date, we will start the eye exam.

Your optometrist will begin by testing your visual strength and acuity. This can happen in several different ways, but some of the most popular and reliable include using a Snellen eye chart and a phoropter. Once your optometrist confirms your prescription, the next step will be assessing the health of your eyes.

Checking your eye health is one of the most important parts of an eye exam because it allows your optometrist to look for, and possibly detect, a variety of eye diseases and conditions you may not have symptoms of yet. Some of the tools used to determine your eye health include fundus photography, ocular coherence scans, visual field testing, and Goldmann tonometer applanation.

Once your optometrist has assessed the health of your eyes, they will develop a management or treatment plan to address any concerns. The plan could include medications or specialized glasses or contact lenses.

Following this, it will be time to visit our team of friendly optical specialists.

Visiting Our Optical Team

If you are interested in a new pair of glasses, our opticians will be happy to walk you through our selection of designer frames and lenses. Glasses don’t just help you see better; they are an opportunity to celebrate your unique look and style. Once you choose your glasses, your optician will then take precise measurements of the size and shape of your head to ensure your glasses sit comfortably and securely.

If you are interested in contact lenses, please let us know before your appointment. Your optometrist will assess your eyes to see if you can wear contacts safely, requiring some extra measures during the eye exam.

If contact lenses are right for you, your optometrist and optical team will walk you through how to wear and care for your contacts properly.

Book Your Appointment Today

Our eye care team is ready to help you achieve your vision goals. All you have to do is book your appointment and let us take care of the rest!

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Our Locations


Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only

Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only


You can find us in the optometrist office under ProVision, right next to Bulk Barn and Shoppers Drug Mart. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our office, which includes the public parking lot in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart.

Contact Information

Phone: 705-719-1670
Fax: 705-719-1672

Our Address

649 Yonge St.
Barrie, ON L4N 4E7

Hours of Operation

10 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM

You can find us in the optometrist office under ProVision, right next to Bulk Barn and Shoppers Drug Mart. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our office, which includes the public parking lot in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart.

Contact Information

Phone: 705-719-1670
Fax: 705-719-1672

Our Address

649 Yonge St.
Barrie, ON L4N 4E7

Hours of Operation

10 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM

Our Services

If you are interested in clear vision but you’re not interested in wearing the frames, contact lenses may be right for you! We can help you find the perfect contacts and the perfect fit, so you are always seeing clearly and comfortably.

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

Glaucoma is one of the most common eye diseases in the world and has the ability to develop over years without showing any symptoms. Using the latest technology, we can help detect and manage your glaucoma before it has the chance to damage your vision!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

The risk of developing age-related macular degeneration increases as we age. Luckily, managing your symptoms is possible. All you have to do is book an appointment and we’ll guide you from there!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Laser eye surgery is one of the most popular options for vision correction around the world. We can assess your eyes to see if laser surgery is right for you and, if it is, determine which type of laser surgery will be the most successful.

Laser Eye Surgery Consultations
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