Contact Lens Exams & Fittings in Aurora

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Crisp & Clear Vision, Glasses-Free!

Are you juggling multiple pairs of glasses throughout the day? Are you looking to expand your style options without sacrificing your vision? Contact lenses may be the solution you are looking for!

Please, book a contact lens exam with us today and let us help fit you for contacts that improve your vision without the hassle or worry of finding new glasses!

Getting Contact Lenses

Contacts are a fantastic alternative for traditional glasses! However, they are not for everyone. We have a contact lens process for each patient to help determine if contact lenses will help our patients achieve their vision goals.

There are 3 steps in this process:

The eye exam is the first step we take with every patient interested in contact lenses.

Eye exams help us determine the prescription you need and can help spot any potential issues that may prevent you from wearing contact lenses comfortably. Contact lenses may not be right for you if:

  • You experience repeated eye infections
  • You have an eye disease that could prevent you from wearing contacts
  • You suffer from severe allergies
  • You have dry eye or problems lubricating your eyes
  • You live or work in a dusty, smokey, or dirty environment

The fitting process is to take detailed measurements of your eye’s corneal parameters, including its shape and size, to help make sure your contacts rest comfortably when you wear them.

Once we have determined your prescription and type of contact lenses you need, the next step will be trying them on! We will provide you with a trial pair of contact lenses you can wear for a few weeks to see how your eyes adapt and adjust.

We will also book follow up appointments to ensure your contacts are doing their job.

If we determine the contacts are a good match for you, we can order your next supply of contact lenses whenever you need them!


Check out all of our brands on our All Brands page!

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Johnson & Johnson

As a primary resource to optometrists and eye care professionals, Johnson & Johnson aims to make the world a better place by providing health solutions for everyone. Explore well-known trusted products with a brand responsible to improving daily lives.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There’s much more to our story than that, however. In fact, you’ll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate. We listen. And, we enjoy what we do.

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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The options are nearly endless when it comes to ACUVUE® brand contact lenses – the #1 contact lens brand in the world. Long-lasting comfort and clear vision can be yours with a contact lens in the ACUVUE® brand family.

Order Contacts

If you are already a patient of ours, you can order your contacts by filling out the form above!

Our Location


Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only

Find us right next to the Hurst Bakery. We offer some parking right in front of our office. Street parking is also available.

Contact Information

Phone: 905-727-1341
Fax: 905-248-5050

Our Address

15543 Yonge Street
Aurora, ON L4G 1P3

Hours of Operation

9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
9 AM5 PM
Appointment Only

Our Services

If you are interested in clear vision but you’re not interested in wearing the frames, contact lenses may be right for you! We can help you find the perfect contacts and the perfect fit, so you are always seeing clearly and comfortably.

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands

Glaucoma is one of the most common eye diseases in the world and has the ability to develop over years without showing any symptoms. Using the latest technology, we can help detect and manage your glaucoma before it has the chance to damage your vision!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

The risk of developing age-related macular degeneration increases as we age. Luckily, managing your symptoms is possible. All you have to do is book an appointment and we’ll guide you from there!

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Laser eye surgery is one of the most popular options for vision correction around the world. We can assess your eyes to see if laser surgery is right for you and, if it is, determine which type of laser surgery will be the most successful.

Laser Eye Surgery Consultations
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